The Top 10 Holy Grail of Drinking Games

Top 10 Fun Drinking Games 

There are many ways to make a party fun, one of them being drinking games. There are different types of drinking games that can be played at house parties, but the choice is usually dependent on the preferences of the host. But for someone who is looking for ideas for the best drinking games, here are 10 of them.

10. Beer Pong
This drinking game is great for four or more players. To play it, the members will need to divide themselves into two teams and then sit at opposite ends of a table. Every group needs to have about six to ten plastic beer cups in front of them in a triangle pattern. One player from one team will then throw a ping pong ball in the cups of the opponents at the opposite end of the table. If the ping pong successfully lands in a cup, a player from the other team will be required to down the beer that is in the cups. The team that is first to lose all beer loses.

9. Fuzzy Ducks
Even though this drinking game might appear easy in theory, it is surprisingly difficult in practice. To play it, everyone will be required to sit in a circle. The phrase “Fuzzy Duck” is said to the person sitting on the adjacent left in the circle, and that person says the phrase to the next person sitting on the adjacent left. If the person sitting on the left doesn’t say “Fuzzy Duck” to the next person on the left, he or she is supposed to say “Does he?” to the person on the adjacent right, in which case the phrase will be changed to “Ducky Fuzz”. Anyone that messes up the pattern or fumbles will be required to pay the penalty by drinking. 

8. I have Never
The aim of this game is to find out the darkest and deepest secrets of all your friends. To play it, you will be required to sit in a circle and then every player will take turns to say “I have never”, and then follow it with something that they have never done. If there is anyone who has done an activity that has been named, he will be required to drink. The fun of this game is in discovering things you never knew about your friends. 

7. Boat Race
This is a perfect drinking game for warming up the party or cheering up people to be in a party mood. It requires even teams of at least four people per group. Each team is required to sit in a line, one behind another and everyone in the team should hold a pint. When the person that is facilitating the games says “Go”, the first person in each group will be required to drink their pint and finish it as quickly as possible. After finishing, they will be required to put the glass on their head and then the next person in the group will start drinking. Before the next member in every group starts drinking, they must wait until the person that is in front of them has finished drinking. The first team to finish is the winning team.

6. 21s
This is a simple drinking game that involves counting 1 to 21. The players will be required to sit in a circle and then the first player will elect a player, for instance the one sitting on the adjacent left. If you are elected, you are supposed to continue counting without repeating two numbers or skipping a number. If for instance a player counts (3,4) instead of 3, the game will change direction. If someone skips a number, the game will carry on but one player will be skipped for every count. You are required to drink if you screw up the game, or if you end up as 21.

5. Roxanne
This is one of the best drinking games ever. To play it, the members will be required to divide themselves into two teams. The teams should stand opposite each other. After that, the moderator pill put Roxanne on, which is the hit single by The Police. Whenever members of the first team hear the word Roxanne, they will be required to drink, and whenever they hear the word Red Light, they will be required to spin around where they are standing. The second team is required to do the opposite of the first time. They will drink when they hear the word Red Light and spin around on the spot when they hear the word Roxanne. The game should be repeated until annihilation.

4. The Dealer
This is another interesting drinking game whereby one person (who is the dealer) shuffles a deck of cards and then puts them in front of the group. After that, the dealer will pick the card that is on the top and then one player will try to guess the number on it. If the player manages to guess the number correctly, the dealer will be required to drink. If the player is not right, the dealer will be required to tell them whether their answer is higher or lower. The player will try another guess. If they get the correct answer, the dealer will be required to drink. If they fail, they will drink and then the guessing will be passed on to the next person. The game continues until all cards are gone.  

3. G’day Bruce
To play this drinking game, you will need to be a number of you and then sit in a circle. The first person in the circle will need to say G’day Bruce to the person that is on their left, who will then reply with G’day Bruce. After that, the first person will gesture to the third person in the circle while saying, “Say G’day to Bruce, Bruce”. The second person in the circle will be required to turn to the third person and tell him, “G’day Bruce”. The third person will be required to reply by saying, “G’day Bruce”. After that the second person will be required to point to the fourth person while saying “Say G’day to Bruce, Bruce”. The pattern will continue around the circle until a person makes a mistake, at which point they will be required to drink and change their name from Bruce to another name.

2. Goon of Fortune
Goons simply refer to silver boxes that come inside boxes of wine. To play this game, you will need to have a circular washing line and then attach a goon to each of the four corners of the line. After that you will need to stand in a circle around the washing line. You will need to spin the washing line round, and while it is spinning, every member will be required to shout “goon of fortune” until it stops. When the line stops spinning, the person that is closest to each bag will be required to drink it for ten seconds. If you fail to drink from the goon, pass out or vomit, you will be out of the game.  

1. Ring Of Fire
This is the best of all drinking games. To play it, you will need to arrange a pack of cards in a small circle around a pint glass. You will need to make sure that the cards are all facing down. All members will be required to sit around the cards in a circle. You will then need to take turns to pick cards while making sure that the circle is not broken. A person that breaks the circle will be required to drink. For every card that is picked, there is a corresponding action. For instance, the person that has the card may name a category (for instance types of beer, cities, cars and so on) and then everyone in the group has to name something that fits in. Whoever messes up will be required to drink.